Trade Offs and Teaching
In each moment of life, we’re making trade offs with time. Oliver Burkeman
That statement seemed ridiculously revelatory when I read it*. A timely reminder that each trade off is a choice about what I’m going to do in a particular moment. And consequently, it’s a choice to NOT do another thing. I riled against having to make those choices for a long time. Was I seriously saying that I didn’t want choice? I think sometimes I just felt like there were too many effing choices and I had decision fatigue! Now, living mindfully (a clichéd term I know) means recognising the choice within each moment and making that choice for the right reasons…from a grounded place.
And THAT means doing the stuff that helps me to be aware of the moments and the choices. Not to let myself get swept along doing without choosing. Which is, in itself, kind of a choice. Journalling, meditating, walking, creating…the usual suspects, are some of the practices that help me see the choices and choose wisely. Some of the time!
I approached a beautiful, local gallery with some of my art recently. And I am thrilled to now have some of my pieces at the wonderful Beechworth Contemporary Artspace. If you know me, you’ll know this took a bit of courage. Interesting how encouragement helps develop courage. Thanks team!
(Me looking weird with no glasses modelling Red/ Magenta Pods and standing next to Snowgum Pods.)
And…don’t faint…I’m starting classes in April. I’ve (finally) decided to hold semi private classes (4 people) in my studio here at home. These classes will almost certainly be on the first Sunday of the month between (and including) April to October. Pretty much. I will do a whole post about classes soon and you’ll be able to book places in the shop section once I have published that. I promise I will do that before I head to Nepal later this month. I’m also happy to negotiate other dates with a group of four if you organise one. Given the logistics fo Nepal travel and Christmas etc, most of my teaching will take place between April and October.
(The photos shows a rare moment when studio is tidy and I have spread creatively onto the "teaching table")
I’ve been having fun mixing a colour palette using some dhaka fabric from Nepal. I’ve made a teeny weeny little range of pieces (I think it’s called a micro range if you are into to that!) and these are in my online shop. You can find them here. I find the whole process of matching and making the colours very relaxing. A kind of play. It’s been made a whole lot easier by the learning I’ve done with Tracy Holmes and her Breakthrough Colour Cards. People who’ve been to classes will know my beloved colour cubes!
(Photo shows glorious hand loomed dhaka and my efforts at mixing colours to match. You get to see the fabric being woven when you do a trip with me. Just sayin’.)
That’s it for now. There’s been a lot happening but if you’ve made it this far then you’ve read enough you darling people.
*You’d think I might have had this one sussed by now.