Classes are GO!!!!
The object isn’t to make art, it’s to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable. (Robert Henri)
You don’t have to be good at art for art to be good for you. (Caitlin Marshall and Lizzie Rose)
Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before…(Neil Gaiman)
Three of my favourite creativity quotes! And I have them on the wall of my studio to remind ME…and everyone else…to just create! They’re reminders to create from the heart and not to get hung up about perfection or making what sells or what’s gets likes on social media. To create fearlessly and boldly and joyfully with a spirit of curiosity and openness. And that’s something that’s as important for me to teach as techniques!
I’ve never been a fan of teaching (or learning) in a class where everyone learns one or two techniques and completes identical projects. I’m keen to provide a space where people also learn different ways to use techniques so they can create something that is uniquely them. Being able to be a bit flexible, provide lots of one-on-one and give people some freedom to explore can only really happen in smaller groups which is one reason I love working in semi-private groups.
(Photo: Model A demonstrates a creative decision making face and Model B has a quietly encouraging creative risk taking face!)
Obviously I do teach techniques but I also weave in opportunities to learn about the principles and elements of design. I’ll provide lots of support and structure but will also encourage people to be creatively curious and open! As with the classes I ran in Canberra, materials will be provided and class members will have access to the tools in my studio. And so much more!
(My grand daughter models a fabulously curious and fearless approach to making! She learns the occasional tip from me and I am reminded to experiment fearlessly by watching her! It might look like I am telling her what to do but, trust me, that ain’t the way it usually rolls.)
There’ll also be the chance to learn about finishing things off so they look really classy and we’ll explore ways to build creativity more regularly into our messy, busy, lives (speaking for myself! You might have a very organised, calm life. Good on you!) Many of us experience the connection between mental health and a regular practice of creating and now there’s more solid, scientific evidence (which means that our hunches are being paid attention to!)
(Now, while this photos shows sanding, I promise not everything will need to be sanded and polished but this was the only finishing things off photo where my hair wasn’t flopping my eyes. Thanks Jen!)
If you want to read some general information about classes head here and if you want to book in, go straight here! And, if you’ve already got a group of four and would like another date (or topic!) email me or contact me here to work something out! I would so love to see some of you, my darling readers, at classes here!
These are just SOME of the pieces that have been made in classes over the years! And each person who did those classes walked out with their own version of these. They were usually delightedly wearing that version!