It's a wrap...absolutely nothing to do with reviewing 2020!!
This post is so NOT a looking back and reflecting on the year that was one! I think there have already been rather a lot of them.This is about my return to an old love...lino cut printing. I've been flirting for months...subscribing to linocut blogs like this and following a lady called Deb on IG. But I hadn't committed. Even the IG encouragement to carve an image a day for
December wasn't enough to overcome my fear (let's call it what it was) of having to start again. Again.Eventually the siren call of standing in the shed with the mossies while my husband cut glass was too loud to ignore and I got out some old stamps and inks from 25 years ago
for a no obligations linocut fling. This was enough and now I am re-hooked. I had no Christmas gifts to speak of but oodles of wrapping paper. I was thrilled
that my cheap old Speedball carving set was good enough! And a few of the old jars of ink were usable. This had me satisfied-for a while. A day or so. Then I got more inks and discovered the magic of Ezy Carve. Oh dear Lord what an invention!!!!! The joy of carving this stuff is hard to explain to anyone who hasn't gouged out flesh when cutting lino! I was wary of committing myself to one a day for #carvedecember but in the end I have carved a stamp for each day in my own fits and startsy way.And OBVIOUSLY I have stamped some polymer. These are very preliminary efforts and I am keen to avoid a plastic look but have got lots of ideas simmering. Stay posted.