Small earrings
Another walk in the hills. Lots of people were up there. We all kept the appropriate social distance of course and said hello in that we aren't going to mention it either kind of way. I suspect there will be an increase in walking in the hills, gardening and cataloguing earring collections. I collected some pink leaves to replace the browned ones in one of my garden mandalas. Some walkers passing by told M that they call our house Doris's House because they have christened my lady Doris. I think I call her Ghausala when I don't refer to her as my lady!Today I am wearing serious face furniture. My gorgeous earrings are created by the ever so clever Anna Small of A Small Art Factory. Anna and her husband usually make garden sculpture so technically I guess this is garden sculpture for the ears. I love them because of how they look and how they remind me of being at my beloved WOMAD many years ago and actually meeting Anna when we bought a garden sculpture. As you do at world music festivals. The earrings accessorise a slightly grubby There is No Planet B t shirt in lichen green and grey running leggings. (Apologies to Kitty Flanagan but I was being active until ten minutes ago!) Thank You Anna. I hope you are and stay healthy.