Starting again. Again.
It's been just over a year since I posted here. This used to be such a regular thing, something I enjoyed doing. Recently a couple of darling friends have asked whether they have missed posts. No.I haven't been posting.But as in meditation there is no limit to the times you can start again
so I am. I've decided to leave Instagram and Facebook in the New year. Leaving Facebook will be a joy. I was only there as a requirement to be part of a group and that may not be an issue for ever. Instagram will be different. I will miss some aspects and seeing the work of some people. It IS a way of staying connected, albeit tenuously. But it messes with my brain and I am trying an experiment for at least 6 months where I don't use it.Blogging here used to feel bit like writing a letter to the darling handful of regular readers. I loved it and am looking forward to using it like that again. Sharing stuff I have made, read or am thinking about. I'm writing this sitting in my bedroom in Nepal where I have just over a week remaining. We've done stacks. Worked on a new commission, new designs, addressed
procedural drift and laughed our selves silly. We sent off our mightily proofread draft for our second sex education book yesterday and during that proof reading process I vowed I wasn't ever doing another book. Three days and one gin and tonic later and we have finished the draft for the third - a book about protective behaviours. The ladies' reaction when we read it today (this is a collaborative process) was almost overwhelming and I know we are onto a good thing.I have read several books including Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng, Eve in Hollywood by Amor Towles. I adored Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak (although it did take a little effort tot get into. Well worth it I thought!) I got a lot from Joy by Ingrid Fetell Lee and not much from An Audience of One by Srinivas Rao. The former explored things deeply and thoughtfully and I felt the latter skimmed
over the surface. I expected something quite different to what I got. I found much that was resonant in All of Us in Our Own Lives by Manjushree Thapa, a Nepali writer. Her observations of the world of international aid were very recognisable. I am currently really really enjoying Becoming Wise by Krista Tippett. So so much in this book!La (as we say over here), here are some vignettes from my life over the past few weeks. Namaste to whoever is here!