Pomegranates and a poem
This poem resonated over the last couple of days. And in my stillness I made pendants inspired by my beloved pomegranates. Symbols of abundance, patience, beauty and love. I strung them on beading wire threaded with tiny silver pipes and beads from Kathmandu. I don't seem to be over this pod/ seed thing yet.Just For Now" by Danna FauldsJust for now, without asking how, let yourself sink into stillness.Just for now, lay down theweight you so patiently
bear upon your shoulders.Feel the earth receiveyou, and the infiniteexpanse of sky grow evenwider as your awarenessreaches up to meet it.Just for now, allow a wave of breath to enliven your experience.Breathe outwhatever blocks you fromthe truth. Just for now, be
boundless, free, awakenedenergy tingling in yourhands and feet. Drink inthe possibility of beingwho and what you really areso fully alive that when youopen your eyes the worldlooks different, newly bornand vibrant, just for now.