Flower Necklaces and getting ready!

DSCN0085I am in the countdown phase again; getting ready to head off to Nepal again which means a lot of organising.  Still, it is all stuff I feel really passionate about and that means I feel very satisfied when things get done!Recently I put some of my own work (as opposed to Samunnat pieces) in the wonderful Gallery Shop at BHRAG and it has been selling really well. I am stoked!!! So, I am busy making a few more pieces to keep stocks up in the run up to Christmas.  I love making what I like to think of as my signature piece, the phul mala, flower necklace, and over the weekend made some in the wonderful rich colour of Sangria using Carolyn Good's recipe.  Some of these incorporate garnets from Nepal and one is heading on a long journey like me! (More of that later!)DSCN0106I also finally strung together a necklace that had been lying around on my work table half assembled.  This was born when I was teaching the 6 week classes and we were looking at complementary colour combinations.  Seems very summery to me!


If this is Sunday, I must be in Sydney....


More than a scarecrow....