Found Objects: Melinda Young
So much to write about but that can wait. Today I just want to rave about Melinda Young's fabulous workshop yesterday at BHRAG. Balm to my soul in an inspiring, affirming, joyous way. Melinda is a fabulous teacher, providing thoughtful experiences of the ways to nurture creativity that I already love: self imposed limitations and rules; pushing your creative envelope (like using media/ colours you may not always choose to use!); collaboration (or outrightly* using another's palette!) and a spirit of play and exploration.She created an accepting and stimulating environment, provided wonderful resources in addition to things we bought (no coincidence that three participants met at our wonderful Depot shop on Saturday I think!) People made the most fabulous things but I was so utterly absorbed that I
forgot to photograph them. I have it on reasonable authority that pieces will be exhibited when Mel comes back next year as the second part of her Artist In Residence stint to exhibit. It will be GREAT!!!! Her work is wonderful and I am really looking forward to seeing more of her exhibition pieces. A range of her production pieces are now available at the BHRAG shop.I had some lovely pieces made for me and I made several things including a ring, single earring and blingy choker that pushed me out of my comfort zone. The one that I am wearing now (life's too short not to wear your jewellery even at home on your own) is one inspired by the materials I had and shamanic jewellery. And to my great delight uses so many of those things I KNEW I WOULD USE ONE DAY!!! In spite of popular perceptions. Like my
children's baby teeth, tiny spindles from my grandmother's sewing machine, bones, an Inecto vial and seeds collected on local rambles, Nepali rupee and Chinese yuan notes, coins from Nepal, shards of flint. All those things that simply had to be carried from house to house over the years. And now used for something! Told you I would one day!The collecting of stuff in a wonderful walk on Thursday galvanised me (no pun
intended) to finish a scrap metal collage too! It uses some of my favourite bits of scrap and I like the sense of a door. And the fabulous blue bit. Nothing like using up stuff eh?*Is that an actual word? Should be.