Help wanted

DSCN5116I'm preparing a 6 week course which will run in Broken Hill next month. I'm ridiculously excited about it but can't think of a title that really conveys all I want.  If one of you can think of a title I use, there's one of my pendant/ brooches (they can be worn either way) in it for you!Who is the course for I hear you ask.If you think you are NOT creative but would love to be proved wrong...this course is for you;If you want to create (with anything-not just polymer!) but don't know how to make the time...this course is for you;If you need some self nourishment...this course is for you;If you want to learn more about the incredible potential of polymer clay...this course is for you;If you want to make some home made gifts (think Christmas for the women in your life) this course is for you; andif you are someone for whom too much jewellery is simply NOT ENOUGH, this course is for you.Dear reader, if any of you can come up with a title (fast!) that I end up using that encapsulates the essence of all that, LET ME KNOW! As I said...there is a prize for this one!  So far, I am calling it Explorations in Polymer but would love it if something better came up! 


More about the as yet unnamed course!


Procrastination for the multi passionate