Double D-dreaming and doing!
If some one had walked into our class on Sunday, they may have wondered just what was going on. Occasionally you'd hear They are magnificent boobs or Does this need plastic surgery? All in the name of creating goddesses/ gods/a green man that reflected our inner selves!The class was created on a bit of a whim after reading a comment made by Cynthia Tinapple in her excellent Studio Mojo about needing to be Double D girls. Dreamers and Doers. The image that popped into my mind seemed like fun and one thing led to another and there we were, with magnificently brave Ian* to balance the gender imbalance (big call for one bloke with 11 women but he was
up to it), to create to our hearts' content.It was a class to follow instincts, to experiment wildly, to learn new
techniques and to walk out with more ideas. I loved the diversity of the creations and the willingness of every participant to really follow their gut, to listen to the little voice within saying Why not give this a go? or I wonder what it would look like if I did this? With access to inks, powders, Helen Breil's texture sheets, home made texture tools, words they received on clouds in the beginning of the class, pre made canes (I did have rather a lot in stock!) and pre mixed colours each artist created something unique and gorgeous. There won't be any more of my classes until May/ June as I leave in less than two weeks. It will be a while between drinks but will keep us all going I hope!See more photos here at the Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery Facebook page.*Ian may not have been there totally of his own free will but never let that get in the way of having fun!