And now for something a tiny bit different...
I am inspired by Marlene Brady, who is, as my sister would say, SOOOOO CREATIVE!!! Marlene's blog is a joy for its diversity. She does amazing figurative work in polymer, bead crochet and weaving, paintings, sketching, so much. I am learning about multi passionate introverts (no reason. LOL) and while I don't know if she is an introvert, you'd have to call Marlene multi passionate! In searching for suitable pictures to accompany my post I found Marlene's Alter Ego (L). And here is her accompanying post. Truly a
perfect image for a multi passionate! Love it.Marlene inspires me to rejoice in my need to for change sometimes. To have several projects on the go. This suits how I work. I find that telling myself I will sit down and work at something I find hard for a short period, means I am less likely to procrastinate or put off doing it at all. Often, I end up sticking at it until I have got a bigger chunk done than if I told myself I had to spend a day on it!
And making these necklaces was a reward for getting tough job done! A few years ago, I got a bag of tiny textile pockets and pom poms from Kulshi Mumkin. I wrote about using some on jacket and Christmas stockings here. My plan was to turn others into necklaces and yesterday I did. I combined them with some of my faux beads and wanted to create two quite different moods.I teamed the vibrant, bright coloured ones with ties made from Nepali
striped fabric and the more subdued, ancient looking ones with plaited silk ribbons. Probably more Winter jewellery but if I was into selfies you could see one on me now in spite of the Outback heat!