May the nourishment of the earth be yours
If you are in Australia, I am a bit late. Elsewhere, not so late so I won't beat myself up about it....Every thing seemed a bit delayed. Even getting a daunting and complicated task I wanted to finish before the old year was out was delayed...And it is just a date observed the wise and patient one who put up with the whingeing.And he was right.Lots of thinkin' going down. More of that later...if you are lucky?But for you dear, lovely After the Monsoon readers, here is a blessing that I received today via the thoughtful and wise Marianne Elliot. And photos from a dream that came true this year in Upper Mustang
A Blessing for the New Year by John O'DonohueOn the day whenthe weight deadenson your shouldersand you stumble,may the clay danceto balance you.And when your eyesfreeze behindthe grey windowand the ghost of lossgets in to you,may a flock of colours,indigo, red, green,and azure bluecome to awaken in youa meadow of delight.When the canvas frays
in the currach* of thoughtand a stain of oceanblackens beneath you,may there come across the watersa path of yellow moonlightto bring you safely home.May the nourishment of the earth be yours,may the clarity of light be yours,may the fluency of the ocean be yours,may the protection of the ancestors be yours.And so may a slowwind work these wordsof love around you,an invisible cloakto mind your life.To 2014.(and, in case you were wondering, a currach is a coracle. I love that word.)