And the Winner is...
Well, the winners are...I made an executive decision to have an Under 10 and Over 10 categories!One of my gorgeous daughters paid a surprise visit last week ( was a total surprise to me but she'd enlisted the help of discrete others who managed to make sure I'd stay put without spoiling the surprise!) and she was happy to be my barrel girl. So to speak! We wrote down the names of anyone who'd emailed or commented on this post and then put them into my lovely Janakpur Women's Development Centre chalice which was perfect for the task! With scrupulous attention to prize drawing rules she drew the winners from the chalice and they were:
In the Under 10 category, our clear winner was Ruby who loves my mermaids. And mermaids in general. So Ruby, check the Post Box next week OK?In the Over 10 category (and I dare say she'd be happy 'fessing up to being in this category) the winner is the delightful ANGIE!!!! (Yes, I'd have said that about whoever won but honestly I have the LOVELIEST readers!) Darling Angie, a slightly less heavy version of your favourite necklace will be wending (or even Wendying) its way to you before the week is out. But don't start checking until next week!Posts have been a bit thin on the ground lately and I hope to do a few more over the next couple of weeks as there is a lot going on. I have been making time to do some really self nurturing things though. (I was going to replace self-nurture with self- sustaining so it sounded less selfish but I think I am learning that it is only when I do pay attention to doing things that nurture me, that I can really hope to sustain nurturing anything/ one else effectively. So I will leave it as self-nurture because that is authentic and true and I won't worry about how
it might sound.)Instead of rushing through my yoga and my mindful Monday montage, charging headlong into crossing off some of the to-dos for the day, I took some time, did it mindfully and have got through more I think than if I had do
ne the usual thing.Over 20 years ago, my darling sister bought these pieces of pottery back to us from the US where she lived with her family for two years. I have always loved this vase and bowl and to retrieve them (intact what's more) from our stored belongings a few weeks ago was an utter joy. In fact, it was rediscovering these that prompted me to plan this Monday ritual. I think they look beautiful with my Thimi pottery bowls (something old, something new) and the paper weight was from a holiday that was so long ago it scares me!!! Just visible is the edge of a doily my darling Nanna crochetted many years ago and I love that with these other precious things. Hope you like it too.PS If anyone knows the US artist who made the bowls, I'd love to know. May have been New Mexico based????