#31 Mum, this one's for you...
...and so is the next one but she will have to patient. And she is.I'm back in the Hill. For the time being.During my week in Sydney I stayed with my gorgeous parents and, in the face of life's challenges, we did lots of talking. Life, death and the whole damn thing.We were talking metaphors and symbols and mum shared that the image of a kaleidoscope was a meaningful one for her. At first you look and may see only random, broken shards but with a changed perspective, beauty, maybe even order, emerges. I wanted to acknowledge this idea with something mum could wear (hey, it's what I do!) and remembered that many, many years ago my lovely friend Shell and I (in our Luscious Ladies manifestation) had sat down together with a Sarah Shriver DVD and made an Intricate Kaleidoscope Cane. This was in the early 2000's well before me moving to Nepal. Premo days in fact!In a testimony to the durability of (suitably stored) polymer canes, I located a butt end of
this (possibly 8 year old) cane and was able to slice enough discs from it to fashion the pictured necklace. I am still working out the engineering of overlapping discs (ideas anyone?) and the technique is a work in progress but I like this necklace and love how it snakes around and moves sinuously.Mum, this one's for you. Here's to you getting back into that sunny room and playing again as soon as possible! MWAA.