These women are so amazing!
The weekend started wonderfully when Iris arrived wearing the Masai
Collar she made in the Zap Mama class. She wore the perfect coloured cardie with it! She looked like an exuberant African rainbow.Initially, as I'd expected, the ladies all looked at the faces I'd bought in and expressed their serious doubt at creating recognisable faces, let alone faces like the ones we were looking at. I assured them they'd love their faces and indeed, after our busy first
day, they had their preliminary peeks at the face canes they were building and you could hear surprised and satisfied expostulations coming from all directions!And then on Sunday, they played. O my goodness they played. Such gorgeous things were created. So diverse and so much fun.
Each went home with a sampler bracelet made from clay fabric using a slice of each others canes which was then put into a medium wide brass channel bracelet. And those women made SO many other things - pins, earrings, slides, bracelets and still they had face cane left over.
I LOVE TEACHING and came home feeling very energised and excited about their excitement. Lucky me.