#20 Brass, Birds and Bodacious Babes
You would not believe how many times I strung and restrung this necklace before I was happy with how things hung. And you can imagine how heartfelt my Gosh! was when it all fell apart as I was walking back into the magic room after one final check in the mirror.Note to self: Get a mirror in magic room. Use a bull dog clip when trying different lengths!It truly was a Gosh and then I laughed which is a testament I think to my 30Days of Yoga course. (More of that another time but I am brave enough t
o write about it now because I am nearly through it and HAVE practised every day. Who'd have thunk it?)The necklace combines some of my birds and ladies (Cucuteni inspired), some old polymer beads, faux and real turquoise, brass beads from the last Kathmandu foray and I like the shamanic quality. As I've said before, I like a bit of asymmetry and dangle.I've also been following on with my symbols for the Mindfulness exercises idea and have made one for Using my non-
dominant hand and one for Avoiding filler words. These were earlier chapters but I am doing
this in a gentle, non driven way. Last week's exercise was to look at things with loving eyes and when I thought about it I did. Even my necklace when it lay scattered on the floor!This week's challenge is to practise secret acts of virtue...Random acts of kindness. Paying it forward. I like this idea! Chozen Bays recommends a secret act of virute each day for a week and suggests that you will do more as you get into it. Generosity is something prized in all religious traditions and anonymous generosity even more so.I read something good about listening here and if you are feeling a sense of ennui, this is for you. A classic. La, off now.