In need of a good bosom and panache
It's the story of my life really but I do hope that a suitable woman - one with the aforementioned good bosom and panache - buys this necklace (#10 in a series I do believe). I love the Nepali multi stranded mala and I am drawn to the turquoise/ coral combination like a moth to a flame. Similar designs to this have appeared before but to say...fewer dangles!I have been browsing sites of African and Tibetan jewellery and they do love a good dangle don't they? Inspired by this, casting caution to the wind I pandered to my inner dangle-loving embellisher (inner you snort?) and went to town. And the tragedy is that if time hadn't prevented it I would have made matching earrings. Thanks be to time pressures. Actually, I think simple, magnificent turquoise chunks would be adequate. The turquoise in the necklace is made using
Tory Hughes' recipe - Her more fiddly one that I think is worth every second of fiddle.La, if you have a good bosom and panache, (and a dash of cash) don't hesitate to drop me a line!