Look at moi*…and some offerings
I describe myself as an introvert who makes extroverted jewellery. And some of my danglier pieces could be described as attention seeking. But these pieces are not really saying look at me…the wearer. As I walk through the bush most days, I hear voices…Look down here. Can you believe this green near this pink? or This ragged edge on this rock! Unbelievable. Or Look as those colours in the feathers of this bird. I’m reminded of a line by Barbara Kingsolver, Be still, and the world is bound to turn herself inside out to entertain you. I’m not so self centred to think that the world turns herself inside out for my benefit but I do think she shares her gorgeousness. And if we listen, we can hear her calls to look!!
Lots of what I make starts with Look at me!
I’ve been setting up my online shop and wanted to make that link more obvious. I’m hoping that photographic pieces with sources of inspiration does that. Feel free to look around. And shop!! You will find my little shop here.
I read a poem most days by Rosemary Wahtola Trimmer and I loved this one…may I soften enough to meet intersections as open roads.
*The Kath and Kim afficionados will recognise this reference. I once channelled Marion (Marg Downey) offering mugs of Jarrah at my younger daughter’s 18th. I was fully clothed! And apparently I dance like Kath Day-Knight. I even did some ideas for a sausage preparing this blog!