I can be a bit precious about a lot of things and this sometimes stuffs me up. I can be especially precious about time and materials and my efforts and all sorts of things and I realised that this preciousness really impacts on my capacity to explore and play.
I decided I needed a little ritual to remind myself, every time I sat down in my studio, that while my time and materials etc ARE precious, so is experimentation and play and exploration! So now I try to remember to pause before I start and light some incense and say, OK you silly git, time is precious, materials are precious but so is play and exploration blah blah blah.
Obviously I don’t speak like that to myself. I am kind and open and compassionate with myself at all times. Ha Ha! The actual words are evolving but it is the pause that’s important. just remembering that I don’t have to make something worthy of selling. Or perfect!